Muddy Buddies

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Muddy Buddies


What we are about?

We create opportunities for parents and children to have fun together in the Great Outdoors!

Dunbar has a wonderfully rich variety of outdoor spaces to discover and explore. From beaches to cliffs, woodlands, parks, farms and hills - we are blessed with pretty much everything that we need, right here on our doorstep.

That said, sometimes we need a push to remind us to take it outside and do some running around. We often talk about our own childhoods - running wild, climbing trees and coming home with skinned knees and mud on our faces. Let's make sure that we give our kids, and ourselves, the chance to enjoy that fresh air and nature again.

Who is it for and how much?

At the moment, children who are of a pre-school age and their parents. This may change in the future but the sessions will be on  Wednesdays. We are asking £4 per child, per session - carers are free but there's a donation tin for the refreshments. This money is to pay for essential equipment and to cover weekly running costs, mainly biscuits. On your second visit, we will ask you to register* your family for the year - this is a fee of £10 but all of it goes towards the maintenance of the woodland for the whole community.


What we are about?

We create opportunities for parents and children to have fun together in the Great Outdoors!

Dunbar has a wonderfully rich variety of outdoor spaces to discover and explore. From beaches to cliffs, woodlands, parks, farms and hills - we are blessed with pretty much everything that we need, right here on our doorstep.

That said, sometimes we need a push to remind us to take it outside and do some running around. We often talk about our own childhoods - running wild, climbing trees and coming home with skinned knees and mud on our faces. Let's make sure that we give our kids, and ourselves, the chance to enjoy that fresh air and nature again.

Who is it for and how much?

At the moment, children who are of a pre-school age and their parents. This may change in the future but the sessions will be on  Wednesdays. We are asking £4 per child, per session - carers are free but there's a donation tin for the refreshments. This money is to pay for essential equipment and to cover weekly running costs, mainly biscuits. On your second visit, we will ask you to register* your family for the year - this is a fee of £10 but all of it goes towards the maintenance of the woodland for the whole community.

our dunbar