Area Partnerships were established as the local voice of community planning in East Lothian, and they strengthen links between communities, area-based services, and the East Lothian Partnership. They provide a way for local communities to contribute to the outcomes in the East Lothian Plan and to influence service planning and delivery in their area. The overarching priority for each Area Partnership is to reduce inequalities and poverties across and within its communities.
Our Area Partnership was first established in 2014 and is made up of a broad range of community representatives, all of whom are volunteers and all of whom have also been actively involved in shaping this plan. You can find out more about our members at page 10. Since 2014 we have successfully supported and delivered over 80 projects aimed at improving our communities and making lives better for everyone who live and work here. These projects include delivery of the very popular Dunbar Summer School activity project for children and young people in our Area as well as supporting the improvements to West Barns Village Hall, the installation of superfast broadband in Stenton and improvement works to East Linton High Street. We have delivered projects that help people to live active, safe and healthy lives and are also working to reduce the attainment gap and increase the achievement potential for our young people. Our aim is to continue, and improve, thiswork by delivering the priorities identified in this plan.
The Dunbar & East Linton Area Partnership Area Plan 2019-27 has been developed to meet the requirements of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. This Act gives greater powers to communities to get involved in local decision making and to have greater control of buildings, land and service provision that will bring benefits to their communities.
Our priorities, detailed in the plan, help identify ways in which we can make the Dunbar and East Linton area an even better place for everyone who lives here.