Water-way; Following the Papana Water to Belhaven Bay

All Day - February 26, 2022
John Muir's Birthplace
126 High Street
Dunbar, EH42 1JJ

An exhibition of paintings and poetry included in a limited edition book by Anna Davis with a film by Eric Fernandez-Baca Manning.

Anna Davis is an artist who has lived in East Lothian for the past twenty years. The exhibition is an exploration of the East Lothian landscape through paintings, drawings and writing. Anna has created a limited edition book that is a journey of impressions, writing and images from the Lammermuirs to Belhaven bay.  The book ‘Water-way’ follows the journey of the Papana water through the changing East Lothian landscape and is a meditation on time and place, through art and the written word. Anna’s recent paintings and drawings also draw on elements of the land as she uses natural inks such as oak gall ink, plant and mineral inks.


instagram: @inprintworkshop

The exhibition will also showcasing a short film by Eric Fernandez-Baca Manning in collaboration with Anna Davis who presents a birds eye view following the Papana water from the Lammermuirs to Belhaven Bay.


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