Sustaining Dunbar Supper & AGM
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm November 14, 2023
Our Lady of the Waves
Dunbar, EH42 1JL

Potluck Supper & AGM & presentations about current projects

We invite all members and friends to the Our Lady of the Waves Hall (Westgate, Dunbar, EH42 1JL)

Tuesday November 14th 18.30-21.30.

Meal starts at 19.00

Bring some food to share (if you can).

AGM and presentations from 19.45

There will be short presentations (and Q&A) about some of our current projects including: Insulate Innerwick, the Community Farm, Connecting Dunbar, the Bike Hub, the Pledgehog Project, Belhaven Community Garden and from our Community Outreach Gardeners Carey and Una.

There will also be our short, formal AGM and a chance to consider last year’s annual accounts.

In this challenging time, do come and meet others to discuss ideas for how we can become a community that truly respects the wellbeing of all people and the health of the whole planet.

If you would like to consider joining our board then please get in touch with Jo McNamara: -or with any of our current board members.

If you have any time, energy or skills of any sort to offer then please do get in touch -we particularly need a secretary and people with an interest in social media and comms.

See you there!

    our dunbar