Special General Meeting: Royal British Legion

3:00 pm - December 18, 2022
3:00 pm - December 18, 2022
Royal British Legion
All Dunbar Branch Members are given notice of a proposed SGM for the Club. You may be aware that for some months now the Dunbar Club has not had a full/functioning Committee.
As the Clubs are a vital part of the Legion network we must do all we can to ensure the future of these locations as a place where members can meet, Branches can carry out activities and the wider community can interaction with our Legion representatives. Dunbar Club has the potential to be a thriving hub within the community and it would be a travesty to see the work of past members and Committees to be wasted if the Club could no longer continue.
Your Club is a commercial licensed business with excellent facilities for a range of bookings and also exists to advance the charitable aims and objectives of the Dunbar Branch, to promote comradeship amongst members of the RBLS and the wider local community.
Under Royal British Legion Scotland regulations, Dunbar Branch Club exists as a tenant ofDunbar Branch. Under Charity Law, Dunbar Branch Club must be managed by a Club Committee constituted separately from the Branch Committee.
Currently, all Club Committee positions are vacant, and this is a further call for volunteers totake up Committee Officer Posts or just offer up a few hours each month to assist. Committee positions are voluntary, but honorarium is awarded each AGM.
Dunbar Branch has over 400 members and the Branch Committee have plans in place for activities throughout 2023 to help generate interest in the Branch and footfall for the Club, but without a Committee the Club and its licence will cease.
In the absence of a Club Committee, the EL&B Area Executive are appealing to all members to attend an SGM on Sunday 18th December where we hope to discuss the proposed future for the Club and to seek willing volunteers to assist with the running of the Club.
The minimum roles which need to be filled are as follows:
• Club Chairman
• Club Treasurer
• Club Secretary
Anyone who volunteers to help create a working Committee will be fully supported both at a local level and by Area and Head Office, including full details of what each role entails and guidance on the Club Model Rule Book and registration with the FCA, as well as Commercial advice and support.
We appreciate taking on responsibility for a Club is a commitment but as an Area we are hopeful that there will be a few willing volunteers within the membership of over 400, who can come forward to ensure the Club has a future and the good work of the Dunbar members can continue.
If from the Dunbar membership we are unable to form a new Club Committee then the Licence will be revoked and the Club will cease trading with immediate effect.
We are appealing to all those with an interest in the work of the Legion within Dunbar to attend the meeting and to show support for the Branch and Club, to ensure it has a future and does not have to cease trading.
If you plan to attend the SGM please confirm to grahamw158@gmail.com.