Oktoberfest @ Station Yard

All Day - September 21, 2024
All Day - September 21, 2024
Station Yard
Introducing the Station Yard Micropubs very own Oktoberfest.
Our own Oktoberfest celebrated over the 2 weeks from the 21st September to 6th October.
We will have over this period a couple German beers, discounts on Taps Aff, PeelyWally & the big return of Och Aye. Complimentary pretzels with drinks. Along with this we’ll be offering 2 pint steins, having mini Oktoberfest games/competitions at the weekends & of course live music. Our monthly pub quiz (Wednesday 25th) next week also having a twist of Oktoberfest added to it 

As well as the above, Follow The Chicken are getting right involved with it and offering a special menu for the days they are with us! (Menu below)
*We will as always, have Hectors available if the food below isn’t for you.
We’ll have Rollin’ Sky kicking off our live music this weekend on Saturday 21st at 6pm.
Then also celebrating Dunbar Music Festival next weekend, we will have Wes Bradd hosting an open mic night from 5pm on Friday 27th & then Nico G & Sean Bisset with us Saturday 28th again at 5pm.
The Greasy Whiskers will be joining us Saturday 5th October at 7pm for more live music and it’s an evening guaranteed to be brilliant 

Any bookings wishing to be made, pop us a wee message