Loony Dook

12:00 pm - January 1, 2024
Belhaven Bay
EH42 1TU
Belhaven Loony Dook - January 1st at 12pm, weather permitting.
Bring warm clothes and a hot drink, and we’ll provide the CAKE, for a small donation to Cancer Research UK. We’ll keep our eye on the forecast and provide updates here right up to the morning of the dook. Any bakers out there? We’d love cake donations - give us a shout! 

Disclaimer: Salty Sisters Dunbar take no responsibility for any illness or injury incurred - at all times during the event, you are responsible for your own safety. Don’t take risks, enter the water slowly and safely, staying in only for a short time. Remove wet clothes quickly and have warm clothes ready upon exiting the water.
Meet at the picnic bench by the Surf Centre.
Credits to Deborah Brown for the fabulous poster