Local Place Plan Meeting

10:00 am3:00 pm

September 30, 2023

Our Lady of the Waves
Dunbar, EH42 1JL

How do we keep Dunbar in the top ten places to live?

We will soon lose a historic landscape and open space at the Deer Park to housing. Belhaven Community Garden could still be developed for housing. We do need housing, but of the right type and in the right places, with good quality routes for walking and wheeling, to better connect our town, countryside and the coast. The questions are, with dwindling areas for development, where exactly will we build sustainable homes, rehabilitate degraded landscapes, rewild, create spaces for nature near where we live, create a liveable place for our children?


Share your thoughts about the way forward at our:-

Dunbar ‘Local Place Plan’ 

Sept. 30th, 10am-3pm
Date for your diary
Drop-in, café style workshop
Our Lady of the Waves Church Hall

Another chance to input and build on the responses to Dunbar and West Barns Community Councils and Dunbar Trades Association’s survey earlier this year.

    our dunbar