Dunbar’s Old Parish Cemetery and the Great War

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm September 8, 2022
Archaeology Fortnight 2022
Dunbar’s Burgh and Parish War Memorial was dedicated on 3 July 1921. It commemorated 134 men and one woman who had made the ultimate sacrifice during the Great War and carries the inscription “Their Names Liveth For Evermore.” Sadly any other information about them appeared to have been ‘mislaid’. While researching these names, a further 16 men were identified as Great War ‘omissions” and have been added. They include one who was ‘discovered’ at last year’s walk!
Using the DDHS cemetery survey, Will Collin discovered 61 Great War casualties commemorated on headstones in the Cemetery. 41 of them are also named on the town’s memorial – but a further 20 are not.
Following last year’s walk, discover some further stories; why there is a distinction; how many of the 61 are actually buried in the cemetery. Discover why Dunbar has a grave of an unknown sailor. And more!
The walk follows churchyard paths, disabled access might be difficult.
Free. Booking required.