Dunbar Surf Life Saving Club Event

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm June 16, 2024
Belhaven Surf Centre
36 Back Road
Dunbar, EH42 1NX
Have you heard about what our nippers and juniors are up to?
Honestly they are amazing and next Sunday they are going to showcase their skills in a sponsored event at Belhaven Bay. They are running 50m on the beach and board paddling 50m out to a buoy and then repeat...
Our energetic and fit club members are doing all this to help raise awareness of our club Dunbar Surf Life Saving Club in the local area and also raise funds for more equipment and to help train up more coaches so we can in turn teach more kids the important skills of first aid, CPR, water safety and rescue.
So come along to Belhaven Surf Centre Sunday 16th June 2-4pm for cakes and coffee/tea and then venture on to the beach to watch the kids do their bit.
If you would like to donate please click on this link -https://www.justgiving.com/.../sponsored50mrunand50mboard...
    our dunbar