Closing Civic Week Ceremony @ The Battery
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm June 16, 2024
St Annes Scottish Episcopal and Methodist Church
Dunbar, EH42 1JL

At 6.30 p.m. this Sunday, 16th June, we bring our Civic Week to a close when our Civic Week Queen and members of her court preside over a ceremony of music and story-telling.

Coastal Tones and Tyninghame Singers will perform for us, and the Salvation Army will play their own music and will lead us in well-known hymn singing.

Come and hear a story for young and old. It is a great opportunity for you to say thank you to all those who worked so tirelessly to put on this year’s Civic Week. We had hoped to follow the traditional pattern of holding this ceremony at Dunbar Battery however the weather forecast is not good so the ceremony has been moved to St Anne’s Church at the end of the High Street.

We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday. 

    our dunbar