Children’s Mackerel Pate Workshop
All Day - June 11, 2023
All Day - June 11, 2023
Belhaven Smokehouse
As part of Dunbar Civic Week, we are running free workshops for children to learn more about mighty mackerel and how to create a yummy dip! The children will learn about this fabulous fish that is in abundance in our coastal waters and how to make delicious, sustainable pâté.
There will be three 1hr workshops available for a maximum of 12 children running at 11am, 1pm and 3pm on Sunday 11th June.
The workshops are for children aged 5+, both from primary and secondary. Primary school aged children must be accompanied by an adult. Children must be signed in and out, and an adult's contact name and number left. Please also confirm any allergies.
Bookings must be made via EventBrite: