Dunbar and West Barns Local Place Plan
In January 2023 the Dunbar and West Barns Local Place Plan consultation was launched with an event for our local traders, event organisers and voluntary organisation representatives.
This provided a first feedback for the Steering Group to hear about local matters that concern our community.
In March of the same year the Steering Group launched a public survey which asked our local community their views on a wide range of topics that our Local Place Plan would focus on. The focus of this plan is land use in our area although the consultation was quite wide ranging and raised many other aspirations. As part of this consultation volunteers hosted drop in events and through this we gathered the views of over 800 people.
The consultation ended in May 2023 although a further opportunity to contribute was available at the Civic Week Fun Day. With a break for summer the data analysis took place in the autumn with a further consultation exercise taking place regarding paths and cycle routes conducted by Sustaining Dunbar through their Connecting Dunbar project which included an additional survey completed by over 300 people and a well attended workshop.
In January 2024 the first draft was produced with further work resulting in the attached two documents. The first, called the Report, is a summary of the public consultation exercise from which the Steering Group has drawn out Action Points which are identified in the second document. Once finalised these documents will be passed to East Lothian Council for consideration.
If you have anything you feel we should add about land use in the Dunbar and West Barns area let us know:
Email: LPP@ourdunbar.com
If you wish to speak to a member of the Steering Group in person we will be at the Pop Up Shop at 108 High Street during Civic Week (8th to 15th June).
The Steering Group for the Dunbar and West Barns Local Place Plan involved volunteer representatives from the Dunbar Community Council, West Barns Community Council, Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership, Sustaining Dunbar and the Dunbar Trades Association.