The Dunbar Trades Association was established in 1948 after the second world war to support the local business community. 75 years later, the DTA continues working with the business community with a strong membership and led by a volunteer committee.
The aim of the DTA is to provide a collective organisation for local businesses to enable co-working, to foster support for each other and develop ideas and initiatives to further the town’s economic prosperity.
Any local business can become a member and can participate in regular meetings or volunteer to help with events, activities or on the committee. Membership is £65 per year and all of the subscriptions fund activities to support local businesses and promote the town.
We work closely with other local organisations including the Dunbar Community Council and the Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership.
If you are interested in membership or becoming more involved please email:
Most of our activities take place under the following categories with recent activities highlighted:
Creation of a new promotional logo and new website, to generate awareness and promote local businesses and town attractions to residents, visitors and tourists.
Production and printing of new maps for the town centre and local area.
The DTA committee undertakes marketing and promotional activities to encourage footfall in the town centre. The winter Shop Local – Win Local campaign has been successful in highlighting what is available from local businesses as well as rewarding those who shop local with a chance to win prizes in December and January each year. In the summer months, july and August, the DTA runs the Spot The Malarky competition where unusual items are on display in shop windows and the challenge is to spot them all.
With valued support from Visitscotland, the DTA created a new digital brochure to promote adventure activities in the area, this was widely promoted through a digital marketing campaign.
The DTA works closely with Visit East Lothian to promote the town and its attractions.
The DTA encourages local businesses to support events in the town and promotes a great variety of events and activities through the What’s On listings on
In January 2023 the Association organised a 75th Anniversary celebration event which brought together local businesses, organisations, volunteers and event organisers. The Association also organises training events, talks and social events for members.
Many member businesses participate and sponsor events including the annual Stone Stacking (Land Art) Festival, Music Festival, Harbour Festival and Christmas Lights. Other events include window display competitions.
The Association attends and supports local events with our pop up Gazebo including the annual Civic Week.
The DTA organises hanging baskets on the High Street every year to enhance the area during summer months.
Policy and Campaigning
Campaign and lobby on behalf of members where required in order to develop and support local businesses and the town’s economic success.
The DTA actively campaigns on behalf of its members with the most recent work being an objection to proposed parking charges where the Dunbar Trades Association met with its counterparts in Haddington, Musselburgh and North Berwick to produce a joint statement in response to the proposals to firstly introduce charging gin North Berwick.
The DTA has regular meetings and engagement with Dunbar Community Council, Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership, other town Trades and Business Associations and representatives of East Lothian Council. We are working closely with these partners and Sustaining Dunbar to produce a Local Place Plan for the town.
Free access to all local businesses in the town to list and promote themselves on the ourdunbar website.
Regular updates from the Chairman highlighting opportunities, developments and challenges. As a business community this information also includes B2B support and sharing of information.
The DTA and individual members support local events and fundraising activities with donations and provision of services and venues.