Crystal Rig Repower Consultation (Innerwick)

12:00 pm - 7:00 pm October 29, 2024
Innerwick Village Hall
Innerwick, East Lothian EH42 1SE
Leading independent renewable energy developer, Fred. Olsen Renewables is set to host two public events in October to unveil the plans for the repowering of Crystal Rig 1 Wind Farm. The earliest turbines at Crystal Rig have been turning for over 20 years. Fred Olsen are proposing to take these down and put up new, taller, but fewer, turbines. They are also exploring the potential for solar power and battery storage at the site.
Our proposals will help to ensure that Crystal Rig:
- Delivers a consistent supply of renewable electricity
- Brings together complimentary technologies to maximise renewables resources
- Supports the economy and the community
For further information see link.